Practising with a mirror is extremely useful – for both hands. However, one must not become too self-obsessed. When practising with a mirror, try to position yourself so you do not see your own face. You will gain much in the way of objectivity
Category Archives: LeftHand
Your Fingers are Sightless Animals
The fingers of your left hand cannot see. You must give them eyes with your ears. Play any passage, concentrating on how your fingers depend on your ears for guidance.
Tuning the violin like a drum
Every time you use your left hand to choose a pitch, you must be confident in its tuning. It is as though you are playing the timpani: once you tune it, you can concentrate much more clearly on how it is struck, and how it makes sound. And know, when you start playing, that what’s […]
7. Lightness
Play a scale or arpeggio, placing your fingers on the strings as lightly as possible. Use again the image of the breaking wave: think of the curl at its forward edge. Imagine that your left hand must simply point to the string rather than press it.
4. Hand and Wave
Play a scale or arpeggio. Imagine your left hand is a breaking wave. Allow energy to flow up the arm and out from the fingers. Roll forward to upcoming sounds.
3. Energy to Pitch
Play a scale slowly, combining two exercieses: Think clearly of each pitch before playing. After the string length is set, pour energy smoothly into it with the bow.
1. String Lengths
Play a scale slowly. Before you play each pitch, hear it strongly. Think of string length rather than finger placement as the source of intonation. Watch the string move as you play.